Punt Verd Serveis S.A.T is a company dedicated to the transformation and preparation of soils and the natural fertilizers, located at Sentmenat (Barcelona) , in a traditional farming zone. The firm was born to cover the needs agriculture presented at that time, but with a vocation for opening its services to other fields.

At the end of 70's very important urban development spread all over the Barcelona region, multiplying the creation of new gardens, parks and green spaces. As a result of this phenomenon there was a increasing deg?and for qualified products needed in construction and maintenance of those new gardens. Punt Verd Serveis S.A.T adapt This became one of the main activities of company besides agriculture.

Throughout the next year Punt Verd Serveis S.A.T experimented a steady increase,investing firmly on machinery to produce new items and to offer new service.

Nowadays,with 30 years of experience Punt Verd Serveis S.A.T is consolidated as one of most important companies of the sector. With a fitted out surface of 30.000m/2 ans a reserve 20.000m/2 for future enlargements,Punt Verd Serveis S.A.T has allhe installation neede to guarantee good quality service: stockage nsion which in present with its products all over Spain and which is beginning to stretch its activities to France,Portugal,the Marghirb region and the Arab countries.

Punt Verd Serveis S.A.T is distinguished by the extencion of its offer, its good and the quality of its products;with practical the solutions for more than 60 different items,wrapped and presented by the the systems more suitable to the needs of tt, even withte market, even with the possibility of preparing special mixtures demanded by the custumer: its transport network guarantees a good delivery service, punctual and adapted to the nature of the goods. Punt Verd Serveis S.A.T can count on the service of an agronomical engineer for advice on the aplication of our products, and the laboratory for the analysis of soils. The company also has a conference hall next to the producction plant for the reception of our costumers and the celebration of technical meeting.

PUNT VERD SERVEIS S.A.T is a pioneer in the caretaking of nature. With this thinking in mind and the spirit of service that always distinguished the company, it is one of the first enterprises in Catalonia which is recycling the vegetal wastes of its customers. These materials, conveniently piked and composted, become part of planting substratums, so they are reincorporated to the life cycle and do not go on to fill the rubbish dumps of the region.

I would like to use these lines on behalf of the company to thank our customers for their double concern on prices and qualityn the choice of our products. We work with the firm conviction that only a good quality product that fulfils all what is experted can really be cheap. It is a satisfaction for us to be able to count on a large clientele sharing with us the serious and responsible concem for the quqlity of the product.

Valentí Corominas



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